Today the final chapters of my online fantasy novel The Greening are up on the site.
The experiment of serial publishing has been interesting for me, but, as with my other self-publishing efforts, more akin to loosing note-laden bottles on the sea than anything else. Now and then a response floats back, encouraging me to believe that someone, somewhere, is reading it.
I had this idea of following in the footsteps of Dickens, but digitally. In retrospect I’m not sure this was the brainiest idea ever. In Dickens’ time there were few diversions for average folks. If they got to read a chapter once a week they felt things were moving right along. Nowadays, midst all the Twittering and texting and online chatting, few people care to wait. And who can blame them? Life is short. Read fast.
In the coming months I hope to make The Greening available as a regular eBook. And when I publish Part Two of the series next spring, it will go straight to eBook.
In the meantime, I’m grateful to all the kind readers who let me know they were following Shiloh’s adventures. The idea of the Green Man seems more relevant than ever to me now, as our world appears to be entering a dangerous new phase of calamitous weather, rising seas, and diminishing resources, mostly due to human actions. It’s my hope that the planet may be able to heal itself if we humans can improve our stewardship.
The Greening continues…